Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Head Shots

Head shots are one of many a way photographers make a living in the new economy. I happened to duck into one hour photo place near my house to see how business was going. I wanted to see if they had had a chance to upgrade their operation to coincide with advances in technology. Looks like there was no need. Keep it simply dummy.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

When Photo Shoot Turns to Disaster.

Working with a baby can be unpredictable. After a generous feeding and small nap, it was time to sit for the camera. Lighting, check, wardrobe, check, makeup, check, cameras, check. We are good to go.

Four or five frames in, disaster strikes. We have a crying baby on our hands.

If mommy is not around when the baby cries, does the baby really cry?
Well if there is a photograph, yes.